ThermoNET thematic school

Since its creation in 2014, ThermoNET has been regularly organizing a thematic school (every 2 to 3 years) to bring together the ‘outside the walls’ community in an informal atmosphere.

This event was initiated under the impetus of the network’s founding members after observing a need for training both at the level of young researchers (Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows) and laboratory staff (technicians, engineers, and researchers). Over the course of the editions, this event has proven to be a powerful and consistently necessary training tool, as well as a timely meeting for the already-formed community.

Among the training objectives, the thematic school focuses on two main aspects:

  1. Training on the fundamental concepts of low-temperature thermochronology, particularly the operation of different thermochronometers (fission track, helium…) and different crystal systems (zircon, apatite…).
  2. Training on a more practical aspect with data processing, how to assess results, as well as their exploitation through inversion/numerical modeling.

More recently, the thematic school allows for community outreach, with the participation of external themes and the introduction of roundtable discussions to address topics driven by the community (analytical development, future challenges, ongoing and upcoming projects).

At present, the thematic school is aimed at a French-speaking audience and does not plan to open to another language in the coming years.